
Welcome to Alanno

Annotation Powered by
Active Learning

Better performance with less data annotation.

Hello There

We Are Alanno

We provide a powerful annotation tool that supports plentiful machine learning and deep learning models. Its main focus is natural language processing with variety of different NLP tasks.

Annotation Modes
Active Learning Strategies

What We Do

Service features

Multi-annotator setup

Ensuring high-quality annotations by novel document distribution methods that enable annotator cooperation. Advanced statistics measure inter-annotator agreement by annotation rounds, which helps manage multiple annotators and provide the desired standard of produced annotations.

Human performance vs. NLP models

Human annotators work in tandem with modern machine learning models to optimize the annotation process. The model's performance is tracked throughout the annotation process and forecasted for future annotation rounds to facilitate the stopping decision.

Annotation Modes

Support for major NLP tasks and more

Text Classification


Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.

Text Classification


Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.

Text Classification


Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.

Sequence Labeling


Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.


Machine Translation

Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.

Keyphrase Extraction


Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.

Building blocks of Alanno


We are the Text Analysis and Knowledge Engineering Lab, a creative research group based in the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia. We specialize in natural language processing, machine learning, and text analytics. Our mission is to help people make sense of often large amounts of unstructured data expressed in natural language. The tedious data analyses should be done by the machines, so that humans can focus on higher-level cognitive tasks, such as creative thinking, decision making, and problem solving.

TakeLab NLP research group

Alanno team

Who is behind Alanno?

Main contributors
  • Fran Jelenić
  • Miroslav Bićanić
  • Josip Jukić
Other contributors
  • Ivan Crnomarković
  • Dorian Ivanković
Email contact